Latitude 50° 20.51 N
Longitude 004° 07.58 W
Depth 20m
Accuracy 200m
Object Type Gun
Material Cast iron
Description Small, eroded, concreted gun
Markings None
Length 1220mm
Diameter 250mm
Condition Poor
Completeness 75%
Number of items 1
Location Description Ramscliff

Gun (12A36)

Ramscliff Gun 1

This concreted and eroded small cast iron gun was located near the Ramscliff Cannon site by the SHIPS Project team in 2012. The main dimensions are:

Base ring to muzzle

1100mm (3ft 7in)

Overall length

1220mm (4ft)

Base ring diameter

250mm (9 3/4in)

Base ring to trunnion CL

520mm (1ft 8 1/2in)

Trunnion offset

25mm (1in)

Trunnion diameter

50mm (2in)



Muzzle swell diameter

Eroded, muzzle missing

Trunnion width

Not possible


email If you have any more information about these finds then please contact us.



