Advice about Finds
Guidance for Divers (JNAPC)
The Joint Nautical Archaeology Policy Committee provides guidance for divers about underwater finds:
'Historic material found in the sea is an important part of the UK’ s cultural inheritance. We all have a responsibility to conserve that inheritance for future generations; in return, there are numerous opportunities to appreciate and enjoy the things that earlier generations have left behind. This Guidance applies to objects discovered in, or on the shores of, seas and estuaries. Objects found in or near fresh water, such as rivers, lakes, canals and reservoirs should be treated in accordance with procedures for objects found on dry land. This Guidance is intended primarily for divers. Beachcombers, people engaged in fishing and other people who spend time at or near the sea may also find the Guidance useful. The Guidance has been prepared by the Joint Nautical Archaeology Policy Committee, the British Sub-Aqua Club, the Professional Association of Diving Instructors and the Sub Aqua Association.'
Download - Underwater Finds - Guidance for Divers
Receiver of Wreck
Wreck material recovered from within or brought within UK territorial waters must be reported to the Receiver of Wreck as required in the Merchant Shipping Act, 1995. Reporting wreck is simple process and involves completing a Report of Wreck and Salvage form which can be obtained from the Receiver of Wreck office, your local Coastguard Station or is available as an e-form:
Click here to access the report of Wreck and Salvage Form page
Please complete as much information as possible and sign the reverse of the form before sending it to the Receiver of Wreck office.
Receiver of Wreck
Spring Place
105 Commercial Road
SO15 1EG
For further information about the reporting process or about the role of the Receiver of Wreck please visit our website, email or call 02380 329474.