HMS Augustus
The small unregistered gunvessel HMS Augustus weighed anchor from the Cattewater during the afternoon of 7th July 1801 and made sail for Stonehouse Pool (or Cawsand Bay) in a strong southerly wind with a heavy rolling sea.
At 8 p.m. when close to the Hoe, she missed stays and found herself being driven towards the shore. She immediately anchored but found she was still driving, her cable stoppers parting as she did so. The ship struck east of the two gun batteries under the lower fort of the citadel (Hepper says that she struck the rocks at the western end of the Hoe), her rudder broke off and she became unmanageable.
Boats were hoisted out, one of which was sent to the Barbican for assistance. In the meantime, her three guns, shot and stores were heaved overboard and pumping commenced. A dockyard launch and boats from the Fisgard arrived to provide assistance then they attempted to haul her off but were not successful.
The Augustus went to pieces in the night but the crew and part of her stores were saved. Hepper says that the following day dockyard craft did successfully refloat her, towing her back to the Cattewater, where she was declared a total wreck.
If you have any more information about this ship then please contact us.